what does the y mean in shoe size


What does the "Y" mean in shoe sizes?


Image source: https://www.istockphoto.com/

Shoe sizes are often abbreviated as a two-digit number followed by a letter that stands for the foot width. For example, 


Image source: https://www.vans.com/

a woman with size 7 would wear an M or an E, while a man with size 9 would wear one of two: L or Z. This is because numerical notation is more compatible and easier to remember than writing out measurements each time they appear. 

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Image source: https://www.newbalance.com/

One difficulty arises when there is no prefix, like 8 or 6, which makes what letters come following it difficult to decipher.

adidas Grand Court Alpha Sneaker - W 
Image source: https://www.dsw.com/
The word shoe size actually refers to the length between your heel and the tip of your longest toe. Shoe manufacturers have divided this value into thirds, so there are three sizes for each shoe size.

The first number denotes the length of the heel, while the second indicates how wide the shoe is in its middle section. The third number describes how much space from side to side is available in the widest part of the foot.


Image source: https://www.adidas.co.in/

A common misconception about shoe sizes is that they only refer to women's shoes or men's shoes. While it is true that men's sizes are usually larger than women's, 

NikeCourt Legacy

Image source: https://www.nike.com/

they are not a different sizing system altogether. All shoe sizes in a store or department store refer to the same system and apply to both genders. One may even find women's shoes that are labeled with men's shoe sizes, just as a men's pair of slippers can be marked for women too.

Zendaya Slip-ons

Image source: https://www.macys.com/

Though shoe size is easy to remember, it is not easy to measure your foot as you need to take several measurements from several different points of your foot. Thankfully, you do not need to purchase any special equipment or have access to an old-fashioned scale for your own convenience 

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Image source: https://www.overstock.com/

if you have shoes and the right measuring tape. Your local shoe shop will usually do this for you on request. Otherwise you can use a ruler and a piece of paper to work it out yourself.

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Image source: https://www.flipkart.com/

So now you know what the Y in shoe size stands for so next time someone asks, "Do you wear a 5 or 6 Y?" You can answer with confidence.

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Image source: https:/www.pinterest.com/

This article was written by R Beckett who is an avid writer on the subject of shoes and other matters. He writes for – experts in shoe sizing and fit who aim to teach men, women and children about the importance of having good fitting shoes that are comfortable for all day wear.

Woodland Men's Gc 3237119 Leather Closed Shoe

Image source: https://www.amazon.in/

R Beckett is the owner of shoeevasion - an online shoe store which offers free advice and tips on shoe fitting and buying shoes which are comfortable, practical and stylish. Find out more about what they have to offer at their website or email them Explains what it means and has a sentence telling the importance of wearing shoes that fit well

Juniper Trail Running Shoe -


Image source: https://www.dsw.com/

The y in shoe size is important because if you wear shoes that are too big on your feet, then your feet can slip out as you walk and this can lead to injuries. You also might not be able to feel the ground under your feet which means you could trip or lose balance. 


Image source: https://www.newbalance.com/

If you wear shoes that are too small, then they may rub against your foot causing blisters which can lead to infection. You want to make sure that when buying new shoes, they should be at least 2-3 sizes larger than what is recommended for your foot length.


Image source: https://www.adidas.co.in/


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